Team Building Like Jesus

by Antonio Sims There’s an African proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” All of us practice team building more than you might think. Deciding where my family will go out for dinner requires a team effort. It takes collaboration and sometimes [...]

By |2021-04-26T15:54:14+00:00avril 26th, 2021|Church Planting|0 Comments

Exploring Non-Traditional Church Planting with Pastor Molly DuQue

Interested in learning more about what others are doing with non-traditional models? Here are some resources for you to explore: Hybrid-Missional Discussion Group Molly leads an online forums with pastors and leaders exploring non-traditional church planting. It's a public Google group and you're welcome to read through the various topics and discussions, [...]

By |2020-11-20T15:45:20+00:00juin 30th, 2020|Church Planting|0 Comments

Raising Financial Support For Your Church Plants

by Marc Wymore One of the many blessings that is required in preparation of planting a church, is fundraising. If you are more introverted and aren’t comfortable painting the picture of your vision and asking for support, this can feel like the greatest curse. I have met with multiple church planters who are clear [...]

By |2020-06-30T00:47:10+00:00juin 30th, 2020|Church Planting|0 Comments

Are you reaching the people that you got in this for?

I was recently asking a group of leaders to tell me about various ‘social mosaics’ that exist in their cities.  These leaders lit up as they brainstormed all of the various groups of people who gather in groups throughout their communities - cycling clubs, PTAs, surfers, bikers, and artists.  They rattled off dozens of [...]

By |2020-10-23T22:05:06+00:00juin 30th, 2020|Church Planting|0 Comments

Don’t Waste Your Preaching: An Interview with Jordan Rice

Redeemer City to City met with Jordan Rice to talk about the importance of contextual preaching—and how to actually do it. City to City: How would you define “contextualization”? Jordan Rice: I would define contextualization as using the gospel to answer the questions that people actually have—to approach a text first seeking Biblical truth [...]

By |2020-12-09T20:15:43+00:00juin 30th, 2020|Church Planting|0 Comments
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