Interested in learning more about what others are doing with non-traditional models?
Here are some resources for you to explore:
Hybrid-Missional Discussion Group
Molly leads an online forums with pastors and leaders exploring non-traditional church planting. It’s a public Google group and you’re welcome to read through the various topics and discussions, as well as join. Here is a link:!forum/hybrid-missional-church-planting
There are a number of non-traditional churches and networks emerging in the US. Here is a sample of them.
“We Are Church” Movement –
Francis leads a house church movement in the Bay Area and provides intensives and trainings alongside it. It’s worth looking at and seeing how they organize house churches.
“Neo House Church Network” –
Primary location: Cleveland
Part of Christian Missionary Alliance, but openly interdenominational, connecting lots of non-denominal house churches in the Cleveland area and beyond.
“Parish Collective” –
This group provides networking, resources and coaching for missional and parish groups around the US.
Xenos Church
Based in Columbus, OH, Xenos Church is the largest home-based church I’ve found in the US. They have 150 home communities that meet with close to 3000 people in attendance weekly. They do a weekly meeting for all their leaders. Everyone else meets in homes.